Denial, I've been there. It made no sense to a logical minded person as myself to believe in something that I was not seeing. I remember not seeing God and not believing having a relationship with Him was important. Funny thing is that whether I believed it or not, God was there for me. Not saving me from pain or loss, but comforting me and strengthening me. Each time I denied Him, I was one step closer to accepting Him and He knew that, even when I didn't. Many of my friends are non-believers and I pray for them to open their hearts to God's love. I try to set an example of how having that relationship can make hard times easier, make difficult choices more confident and that showing love will make you happier. If you are one of those people in denial right now, it's okay. It's your choice to make and I am not judging you. I will just keep praying for you to see the Light.
Questioning, completely normal for anyone, believer or not. How could a loving God let bad things happen? Why are my prayers not being answered? How much more do I have to take until there is relief? The answers we receive are frustrating... we live in a fallen world where we are left to fight with our relentless sinful nature, our prayers are answered in time or with a "no," and God will only give you as much as you can handle. Are you kidding me, how is that helpful? So I have to slow down and change perspectives. In a world full of sin, how does God still love us? Am I praying for the right things? How much more do I have to give? Right now, many of us are consumed with hardship. I am swimming in it daily. I have gotten to the point that I am afraid to talk to anyone because I am not sure I can handle hearing about any more pain, loss, sadness and disappointment. Yet, I keep talking to people, offering them comfort and support, because when I needed it, there was someone there for me. So my answer comes from Michael Franti (big shocker!)...wise folks count their blessings and fools count their problems.
Expression, seeing a lot of it lately. A couple weeks ago, a group of people at work wrote prayers on post-its, put them into balloons and released them into the atmosphere. I see posts on Facebook of people asking for and offering prayer or thanking God. I hear about faith in conversation and I see crosses everywhere. I wonder if I am more aware of it now or if it is more prevalent. Regardless, it's reassuring to know that God is out there working through and on all of us. He may show favor to others in different ways than He does to me, but He is there, believe it or not.
There you go, at one time or another, I have denied, questioned and expressed my faith. There is a metaphor that faith is a muscle, it needs to be tested to get stronger. I am rolling me eyes as I type it but I believe it right now and it is helping me deal with all the those things that life keeps throwing at me and those around me.