Wednesday, January 30, 2013


What is art? Can it really be finitely defined? I am not talking about the Webster's version. I am talking about theoretically. I see a beautiful painting and it is clear that is art. I hear a piece of music or read a classic novel and no doubt in my mind, it's art. What about a baby's face or a dog's wagging tail? Would you classify that as art? I would...

Why all this talk about art? I have been working on some video projects over the past couple months and it is interesting to me the varying responses I have gotten upon their viewing. These projects were personal investments and the emotional reaction they provoked was the dividend I received. I spent time and money agonizing over every detail. I got frustrated when I encountered obstacles with technology. Fortunately, my boys were able to help me overcome those obstacles. Thanks Frank and Mike! 

It's important to me that you understand the hard work and dedication it takes to produce art. Regardless of the medium, the artist pours a lot of themselves into their creation. Please take that into consideration when looking at a picture, listening to a song or reading a blog. Maybe it isn't your taste or maybe you don't understand what the author is trying to express but please respect their effort. When you pour yourself into something and receive an apathetic response or worse yet, get ridiculed; it hurts. Remember, to the artist, the reaction is the compensation. Make it a good one ;)