Sunday, April 28, 2013

Barney, Rugrats, Power Rangers, Yugioh, Hot Wheels, DVD's, Rubic's Cube, Rock Band, Running, The Dark Night and Audio Engineering

I was reminded today how important it is for parents to be interested in what their children are interested in while they are growing up. I have to be honest, it really wasn't that hard for me to care about what Frank and Mike cared about. I guess I am a little boy at heart and I sort of grew up while they did. As they are growing into young men, it is still s big part of our relationship to share an interest or activity.  I am amazed at how they have evolved over the years. It is also interesting how many phases to get to where they are. I am thankful they are no longer interested in Power Rangers and Barney.

I know people who forbid their children to explore their interests because they have no interest in it. If you want to raise a robotic, clone of yourself, go ahead, control all of your child's interests. If you want a child to find their passion and discover their talents, support their choices. It might mean having to sit through an elementary school band concert or listening to headache inducing drumming, but the payoff is a child who knows that you care about them. The good times Mike and I had at Cross Country meets, and watching action movies with our boys are the foundation of our relationships with them. I believe that the self confident men they have become is reflective of the open minded parenting they received as children.

It doesn't take long for a cute little Rugrat to grow up into The Dark Knight. Take an interest while you have a chance. Before you know it, huge life choices will be upon your little one. They need the confidence in their strengths and the awareness of their weaknesses to make good choices.

Frank solving the Rubic's Cube

Mike before a big race