Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bomb the World

Last night I went to see the movie Les Miserables. The acting was fantastic and the cinematography was incredible. The plot of the movie depicts a man who is transformed from a violent criminal full of hate and bitterness to a beneficial member of society full of compassion and forgiveness. His transformation positively effects the lives of hundreds of other people.This occurs over many years but the process is begun when one man shows him grace. Imagine that, one man showing one other man grace one time can change the course of hundreds of lives. Now imagine if a whole nation was willing to show grace...

September 11, 2001 was a horrible day in the history of the United States. Check that, it was a horrible day in the history of mankind. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 were tragic and I grieved for the victims of those attacks and their families. The problem I have is how those attacks were used as an excuse to promote a war. Now don't get me wrong, I was angry, bitter, saddened and frightened by the events of that day. However, I don't see the value in responding to violence with more violence. When is mankind going to realize that violence brings one thing, more of the same?

You may think I am a radical  hippie who hates America and the military. WRONG! I thank God daily for choosing this country for me to be born and live. I believe the USA is the greatest country on Earth. My father was in the Army. My uncle was in the Navy during WWII and my "third son," Spencer (a neighbor who we have known since he was four years old) is currently in the Navy. I could not be more proud of him if he was my own son. His USN graduation picture hangs on my fridge. Both of my sons considered joining the military and Mike and I took them to the recruiting office to show them how we would support that decision if they chose to serve their country. Should one of them decide to join in the future, Mike and I would completely support their choice. 

I know how to shoot a gun. I shoot them regularly with my dad. I have encouraged my sons to learn how to shoot and educated them on gun safety and usage. Currently, I do not personally own a gun, but I don't own an ATV, a sports car or a fishing boat either. I am not against owning any of those in the future. My hope is I would use them in the manner for which they are intended for use. 

I realize the value of having a military force to defend and protect our country from invaders. I am not naive enough to think that the world is ready for my anti-violence stance. I am a realist but I am also an idealist. Therefore, ideally, I believe that peace is the answer. In the grand scheme of things, that is probably not possible in my lifetime.

So what can one person do to change the world? I can start by choosing to teach and exhibit peaceful behavior. I have tried hard to teach my sons that revenge is a waste of time. I talk about using non-violent responses to conflict with the students I transport. I have rarely gotten violent with my sons, my husband, my friends or my enemies. I am not perfect. I have dreamed and discussed with others ways to get revenge on those who have hurt me and the ones I love. I have done some horrible things to others and not once did it improve the situation. 

I know you might say, Sue, you have never been a victim of violence. How do you know you would react that way if someone attacked you or one of your kids? The truth is, I don't know what my reaction would be if that ever happened. My hope is that in time I would be able to forgive the offender and never choose to cause them harm. I have been a victim of crime and injustice. It's done...I really believe they will have to atone for their behavior. Here's the thing...I also believe that so will I. 

That is why ideally I would choose a non-violent reaction. That is why I teach it and do my best to live it. That is why I would like you to think about choosing to support peaceful solutions to your daily conflicts. That is why I would like you to reconsider supporting the death penalty. That is why I would like you to reconsider supporting teachers being allowed to carry guns. That is why I would like you to reconsider thinking a gun can protect you from violence. That is why I would like you to search inside yourself and think about how you would like to be judged for the wrongs that you have done. 

When we all start to change the way we react to violence, it will start to make a difference for the better of all mankind. One man showing another man undeserved grace impacted hundreds in the story of Les Miserables. One choice you make to not fight back can make an equally powerful impact. 



Bomb the World -Michael Franti

Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Am Who I Am

It's interesting to me how figuring out your purpose changes your priorities. I realize that I have not come close to understanding all there is to know about Sue Rizzo, but I think I have moved a lot closer to the person I am meant to be than the one I was just a short time ago.

Looking back, I see how the choices I made set up the circumstances that taught me the lessons I needed to learn to fulfill my purpose. Should I go to college? Should I quit college and enter the work force?  Should I work in a factory or somewhere else? Should I have a long distance relationship? Should I have an abortion? Should I move to California? Should I become a bus driver? Should I work for the union? Should I quit working for the union? Should I start going to church? Should I lead a growth group? Should I play softball? Should I start a blog? Should I have more children? If just one of the answers to those questions changed from the choice I made, my entire life would be different. I would not be sitting here writing this post. I might not be sitting anywhere at all.

What does that have to do with discovering my purpose? Well, it occurs to me that this is where I am and that must be for a reason. Now that I have a better understanding of my purpose I am presented with more choices. Some decisions are easy and clear but others are very difficult. Fortunately, I have faith that regardless of which way I choose I will find my way back to that purpose. So I boldly step into my future with great anticipation, some fear but without any regrets. One way or another, each choice will result in something powerful.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

All Apologies, Thank You and a Promise to Try!

Have you ever been bullied? Probably...have you ever bullied someone else? Truthfully, you probably have. Finally, have you ever been bullied by me? Odds are pretty good if you are reading this, that I have. For some reason, I find it funny to pick on other people. Sometimes it's hilarious, but mostly it's just mean. It's mean to find some insecurity or fault and exploit it. Guilty! If we are close, I have really hit you hard. My biggest target, Mike. The person I have sworn to share the rest of my life with and I am mean to him, why? I take it for granted that he will always be with me, that we can survive anything, that our love will carry us through and that he will always forgive me. I do that with each of you. I am truly sorry. I am sorry that I tried to make myself feel better by making you feel like crap. All apologies to those that have been hurt by my words. 

Usually, it's pretty fun to be around a witty person and I know that I don't have to beat myself up to the point of self destruction. I want to thank the people in my life that have opened my eyes to the times I have stepped over the line from funny to mean. My family, close friends, some innocent by standers and again, my husband deserve a big thank you for having the courage to be honest with me. I love you for your kindness, understanding and willingness to see past the pain my words cause you. Thank you for your mercy, grace and unconditional love. 

Okay, I am a smart ass. I always have been, and I always will be. Better than being a dumb ass, right?  My hope is that I will not be on the attack and check myself when I begin to go too far. I know I can be funny without being mean. Now, time to put it into action. I promise to try to be kinder, more considerate and not to allow my words to cause pain.