I have been thinking about writing this one for quite awhile. It seems timely with the holiday season approaching. Charity is an interesting subject to me. It has two sides and depending on your personality and which side you are on, you can accept it.
I have been on the receiving end of charity many times. For example, Mike and I have gotten so much from our families that sometimes it is overwhelming. Without the help of our parents and siblings we would not have the furniture we have, a new roof over our head, or many of the clothes my boys wore growing up. Thanks to her generosity we were able to visit Chicago last summer with my sister, Kim and her family. We are able to visit my parents regularly knowing we will always have a comfortable bed, a place to relax and not have to pay to eat out. My parents even helped me get to Florida a few years ago to visit my sister Shari during spring break. It was a great trip!
Accepting these gifts is difficult for me. I want to be the one that gives more than I receive. Our families always say we deserve it and that they are happy to do it for us. Believe me, we appreciate it! It's just that it's too much sometimes. I have learned to accept these gifts as they are given.....graciously. That's not easy, but necessary.
My boys regularly shovel the sidewalk for an elderly woman across the street. Sometimes she insists on paying them for it. We have taught them to try not to accept any payment for this service. It's not that she can't afford it, it's that we want them to do something for someone else without any payment. They accept the money occasionally and it makes both sides feel better about it.
Recently, I went to dinner and drinks with a couple friends. It was pay back for a time when I had treated them to dinner last summer. I didn't have to pay a penny all night long. That was tough for me to accept. I made up for it by being the driver for the night. We had a terrific time together and I am happy I got over my hang up and allowed them to take me out.
Sometimes you have to put your ego aside and let someone else do something nice for you. There's no shame in letting someone buy you dinner when you can't afford it. There is no problem letting your family help you out when times are tough. They do it because they love you. They will only do what they can. All they expect in return is gratitude. Why is it so hard to accept other people's help for some of us? Especially those that really NEED it!
Then there is the other side of charity. The side of those that have a lot and are not generous. Sometimes I feel like those that have more, give less and those that have less, give more. There are definite exceptions to that statement, but I think in general it is true. Funny thing is that those people will usually receive without thinking twice about it. Just sayin'
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