Thanksgiving is next week. Most people start to think of things for which to be thankful. Of course I have thought of things too, but what I have really been thinking about is all the people I know that have inspired me to serve others. Here is a list of those people and how they serve others.
My dad, Al, wow, where to start. At church he serves on many committees. He serves his community by donating his time at the local community center and also by doing projects like the Mississippi River Pool 9 clean up. He holds two political positions in his town.
My step-mom, Judy might not think she serves much, but she does. She isn't the joiner that my dad is, but she serves her family first. She is the best sister, daughter, mother, grandmother and friend I know. Judy will give money to any cause and organization that sends her an envelope.
My sister, Kim, a mother of three boys, volunteers mentoring young women. She was a cub/boy scout leader and she is a great sister, aunt, mother and friend.
My other sister, Shari is very generous. She hosts a great party and she is one of the most intelligent people I know.
My brother, Jerry coaches baseball and when we were growing up he was a great role model for the young boys in our neighborhood. I bet he still is.
My step-sister, Linda is another big church and boy scout volunteer. She is an amazing educator!
Chris LeRose recently rekindled my desire to serve others when she convinced me to join her to wrap and deliver presents last Christmas. She works with Autistic adults and she loves to go on mission trips. I am still not going Chris, lol.
My nephew, Andrew....speaking of missions; Andrew did a two year mission to Nicaragua after he graduated from high school.
Phyllis served as union president and rep for the bus drivers and monitors in Kenosha for over 15 years. She sacrificed more than anyone I have ever known to benefit the working people in our terminal.
The Garbers and Niese families are always willing to host events and groups. They are some of the most hospitable people I know. Eden Neise and Char Lewis led our Habitat for Humanity service project last summer. Their vision and commitment to that cause did so much long lasting good.
The Schlevensky family is always willing to give time, money, and their organization skills to any project. Tammy and Cayla have been a big part of helping our friend Denise's family.
Shiela, Terri and Debbie have always been planners. They enjoy planning events and fund raisers for our co-workers and their children. Marge, another work friend, usually makes sure that any one who is sick or has a death in the family gets a card. When I had my gall bladder out, Marge passed a card around and mailed it to me. What a great feeling it was to open and read that card.
Tara is one of the best friends in the world. She will drop everything and join you on project you ask her to help with and she loves to volunteer in her boys' schools.
John and Mona Sykora are truly inspirational. John coaches football and baseball. He organizes charity events and he educates educators. Mona is a true leader. She is John's right hand, she is heavily involved in Parent Teacher Organizations and she may be the best sport mom I have ever met.
Cori, Anita, Sue S, Barb, Kristen and the rest of my softball friends have led events and groups that help Susan G Komen, Ahlzheimers and Relay for Life.
Susan Beaudo in her own words is an offerer. She will do anything for a friend and not ask for a thing in return.
If you can read this list and not think of a way to serve others, I don't know what to say.
I am blessed to have you in my life.... so very blessed!